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How the new age of technology is affecting the journalism industry...

Social Networking

A lot of you have probably heard of at least one of the social networking sites listed above. Maybe you actually own more than one of these accounts. Pretty much, a vast majority of the world is online nowadays. Because of this, everything is constantly being documented for the world to see. The definition of "journalist" has changed. No longer do we need to wait for other people to give us what we want, but instead, we have all become journalists. 




Technology is evolving on a daily basis. This is especially the case for social networking and sharing information. Journalism, because of this, is being forced to change in a new direction. Methods that were once true and tried for the industry, now, can't accomodate for the ever-growing amount of people that are on the web. Right now is a crucial moment for journalism as the gears are shifting to a whole new age of information. So will this change bring upon success for the industry, or will it be its downfall?


As long as we can remember, news has always been on print. In fact, for a lot of people, print is the preferred method of getting their news fix. Newspapers are still circulated worldwide and news stands can be found in almost every corner of the street. Although, one can't help but question whether print is a viable means of  distributing news in today's age of modern technology. Where news is constantly shared instantly from one person to another from all sides of the world, can print keep up with the instantaneous medium?



Globalization / Matthew Rinaldi / Online Journalism / D Band / © All Rights Reserved

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